Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Technical difficulties

I apologize for the disappointing blog this year. I have had
problems with both my phone and the wireless in the hotel and the bus
(by problems I mean zero access). I hope your kids have been keeping
you updated!

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Sunday, April 10, 2011

We See Dead People (don't worry, everyone is fine...)

We ended today with a stop to Gadsby's tavern, a restaurant in Alexandria frequented several Founding Fathers. Inaugural Balls were held there, battles planned, and apparently, people died. And they died angry. So angry it seems, that they decided to haunt the place for 250 years. Take some eighth graders a continent away from their parents, throw in a restaurant proprietor with raconteur sensibilities and Stephen King's love of the macabre and you get a bunch of kids who refuse to use the bathroom after dinner. I don't think the effects will linger, but I have never seen this group of 60 as quiet as they were during the ghost story.

I'll shoot out a video of the students doing a 'Huzzah' cheer led by Ms. Lettieri. You should really be proud of your kids. Not only do they cheer with wild enthusiasm on command, but they led us through the entire Mt. Vernon estate, stopping at various places to debrief the chaperones on the life and times of George Washington. Mr. Ramos said that he learned more today about Washington than he had in his entire life. Not an unimpressive feat, as Mr. Ramos is well versed in American history.

If you talk to your kids, please pass along that we have been wowed with both their knowledge and behavior. So far (four days left, of course) they have been a pleasure to travel with. I expect we're going to continue to have a fantastic adventure!

Good Times

Been a wonderful trip so far! Weather is great, food abundant and
history everywhere. This can be a tough few days with the packed
schedule, but the kids have been amazing. Never seen such a cheery

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Lecturing about George's Farming Practices.

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At Buca Di Beppo

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Mt. Vernon Group Photo

Sent from my iPhoneI'm going to upload some photos (out of order). I'm doing this all
on my phone, so pardon the formatting.

Here is a group shot at Mt. Vernon:

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 1 Almost Done

Sent from my iPhoneWere are wrapping up our very long day. Kids did great on the plane
and, while wiped out, kept high spirits through dinner!

We are currently headed to the store to stock up on snacks.
After that, we'll go to the hotel. The assumption, and hope, is that
everyone will crash upon walking in their room (fingers crossed!).

We have great things planned for tomorrow and I'll keep you as updated
as time and my thumbs will allow.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Shorts and Government

Your kids may have told you that due to increasingly erratic weather in DC, we may allow them to wear shorts some of the time. Please make sure they pack at least one pair of appropriate length.

Also, if the government does indeed shut down, it might not be a bad idea to send along a little more spending money as we are unsure of where our travels will take us...we've got alternate itinerary stops planned out, so we are going to remain flexible and have a great time!

We will see you all early tomorrow morning!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pre Departure Information

I want to update everyone on a few key items before we depart on Saturday. Please read each bullet as I believe they are all important.

Meeting at Sigall or SFO:
So far I have 16 people slated to meet at SFO between 5:00 and 5:15 AM. I am not taking any more volunteers for the airport meeting, so if you don't see your name below please arrive at the Sigall parking lot at 4:15 AM.


It looks like a mix of sun and rain with possible thunderstorms. Highs near 60, lows in the 50's. Here's a link for more information.

Government Shutdown:
Unless our government is able to reach a budget compromise, it appears likely that many of our planned stops will be closed for business. This certainly adds a new twist to the trip, but we are going to make the best of it. The chaperones will be meeting tomorrow to plan an alternate itinerary should we actually find ourselves in the middle of a shutdown.

If there are any lingering questions about the above items, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Countdown Begins

Departure fees - This isn't a certainty, but I did get a message from our travel company that they have noticed airlines are increasing fees and they may rise. The trip cost included *estimated* departure fees. Just wanted to make everyone was aware of the possible increase.

The Blog:
Sign up and follow me and you'll get an email each time I post. I will be posting regularly on the trip so you'll be able to follow your child's adventure from 3000 miles away.

Lastly, please know that your children will be in good hands and we will have an excellent, memorable trip!